Sunday, June 4

back tack - she's here!

Look who arrived in the mail on Saturday! Isn't she sweet? She came bearing gorgeous California poppies, and a super cute little messenger bag with a hand-stitched carrot (obviously she wasn't sure if we have carrots in VT). Her little bunny paws can snap and unsnap for various poses. She's handstitched out of all-natural materials (swoon). You can tell that so much care and thought went into her.

Thank you Carolina! Be aware that an email with a thousand questions will be headed your way shortly.

She also came with Grapefruit flavored bath fizzies (very inspiring), some lovely chocolate which i tucked away in the freezer for when the time is right. Some flower seeds (very cool, I must send her some of my own hollyhock seeds) as well as a few goodies for my ds. He picked up that ice cream cone of bubbles right away and off he went.

So where is the initial? She said I would have to hunt for it, but I must have been channeling into her mind because when I found the little hand carved stamp that she included in the package I went right to the messenger bag. And there it was. the fabric inside the bag is hand stamped with cute little 'a's. I attempted a photo, but it came out like doody. Maybe Carolina has a good photo to share.

What fun. Back Tack III has been a blast, and watching all these softies arrive at their destination is a good healthy habit to get into.

1 comment:

SadieandLance said...

Lucky you, your bunny is gorgeous!