it's nothing but stash knitting for me for right now. it's not a bad thing. it's a stash of lots of one or 1.5 skeins of lots of variagated natural fibers. You can see it here:
that's it. All in one container. there are some FO's in there as well. things that I'm not sure what to do with. things that I knitted for my next baby who will probably never be conceived that I should give to someone who is actually having that next baby but i won't give them away because i think that they're wonky in some way and can't tell until i try them on that 'next' baby of mine because another person's baby shouldn't be subjected to my wonky knits. phwew. breathe.
but i am knitting now. a placket pullover thingy from Last Minute Knitted Gifts for my son. Using Wool of the Andes in the miscellaneous colors that I have.